Pod Racing rules played in Gencon, then modified by the Ocala Garrison for use in our games. Rules last modified on 2/10/2018.
- RULES in Adobe PDF format
- RULES in MS Word format
- RULES Summary for players in Adobe PDF Format
Player and Initiative Cards
- PAGES of cards to print, cut-out, fold over, and insert into card sleeves
- CARD Back
- Aldar Beedo
- Anakin Skywalker
- Ark Roose
- Ben Quandineros
- Boles Roor
- Clegg Holdfast
- Dud Bolt
- Ebe Endecott
- Gasgano
- Mars Guo
- Mawhonic
- Neva Kee
- Ody Mandrell
- Ratts Tyerell
- Sebulba
- Teemto Pagalies
Dirty Tricks
- PAGES of cards to print, cut-out, fold over, and insert into card sleeves